Bahia de Chachacual

The week on the bay proved not to dissapoint. We camped as far into the shade as the scorpions would permit and made our living room (hammocks) in a tree that stood over the ocean at high tide. Griffin fished and we feasted on ceviche (a few of our odd catches are shown in the pic) and all the fruits (pineapple, papaya, peaches, bananas, mangos, etc.) that this beautiful tropical climate produces.

A few visitors would come to the bay by boat and snorkel for a couple of hours around midday (corral reef directly off of coast) but usually leave us be for the rest of the time. There were also a couple of locals who made the long hike from Huatulco (3 hours) to collect crabs & ¨sea cockroaches¨, or escargot.

On our final day (today) our ride was supposed to arrive at noon but in the middle of cooking breakfast we were alarmed to see the little fishing boat pull up. Lalo jumped off and came running up to say we must pack up immediately and head back ASAP. Hurricane coming and he had been granted special permission to leave the marina and come retrieve us...

Rainy season is just beginning.