Meditation & Bat Poo

After spending three nights in the busy city of Bangkok, we hopped a train west to the small town of Kanchanaburi where we have been sleeping in a floating hut, made of particle board, recycled from old shipping crates, and whose walls still bare a blue stamp from some distant Canadian city. Apart from the occasional elephant gun fired in celebration, or the ubiquitous motor boats pulling disco restaurants, the town has been a peaceful stop. We have spent much of our time perusing local food markets and sampling vegetarian cuisine, but only after some difficulty expressing, "I eat only vegetarian food," in Thai. Our reward: homemade tofu, fresh soymilk (yes, made by the vendor selling it), some incredible fruits, tom kha phak, and banana pancakes, just to name a few.

Two days ago we rented bikes and visited a temple built inside a cave. Illuminated by 60W bulbs and smelling of ammonia (bat pee) we were open to explore each labrynth, but our guide made sure that we each went in seperate directions for meditation. It was truly an amazing experience complimented by a friendly family who helped us to fix a flat (acquired by our Canadian friend) and showed us how to eat sour raw Tamarind.

We are now south along the Adaman coast (just south of Mayanmar/Burma) where apparently the only casualty from the tsunami involved an office desk. After a couple days on the island of Ko Chang we plan to head further south.