The People of Canton Argentina...

Griffin and some of the fellas playing cards at the game table (a rock surrounded by rock seats next to ¨la cancha¨, or the soccer field.
This is actually the public transportation for Canton Argentina. Above is the soccer team on the way to a game (all holding on tightly as the truck makes its way down a steep dirt road). Griffin got to play, but unfortunately i was still recovering from a sprained ankle acquired during ¨practice¨ (it is a shame I didn´t get to play, as I would have been the first gal to participate)... Playing soccer in sandals on a dirt field is highly unadviseable.

One of my favorite of the elders helps her grandson into a pair of shorts.


Hello - I have enjoyed your postings so much! Sounds like you are living a "dream" and making the most of it. I think you should consider putting this all into a book someday. Your postings make the country and the people seem so alive.
Marsha Raymond
(Dan's Mom)

Hey Griff.... cute hat!