A Typical Day...

Since our visit with Kelly in the country town of Canton Argentina, we have been staying at a little surf town by the name of Sunzal. It has proved to be a lovely stop and a very gentle wave for beginners...

We wake up, generally early (our lives have begun to parallel the sun), have a quick snack and head down to the beach for an early morning ¨session¨(the lingo for a surfing session). Then, generally, return a couple of hours later for a larger breakfast (something along the lines of fried plantains, refried red beans, eggs, homemade bread or tortillas & coffee), lounge during the heat of the day, reading or, in the case of Griffin, playing the mandolin, and in the case of myself, learning to embroider. Then, out for another afternoon or evening session, a quick supper, and hit the bed soon after the sun sets (which is early... around 7 o´clock). Add a little human interaction with locals or other travellers, and that has been a typical day in the last two weeks.

We are about to head to the high country to allow our bodies some recovery (surfing is indeed physically demanding) & for a little civil war history... we are headed to the sight of ¨Massacre at Mazote.¨