Some favorte foods along the way...

As our trip is winding down (we are looking at heading north sometime next month, but not after one or two more stops in Nicaragua) it is fun to reflect on one of my favorite aspects of travelling... the food! New fruits are always popping up (especially as we have been down here for the change of seasons). Above is a pataya and below is one of our favorite new snacks, chocolate covered, frozen banana!

And of course, the experience wouldn´t be complete without ¨chengas¨, as they are referred to in some parts of El Salvador. A bucket of corn is thoroughly washed, put through the mill and then stone ground to a finer consistency. A little water, salt, and some proper hand technique, and you have the El Salvadoran tortilla; thick & hearty, it is approximately ten times the size of a mexican tortilla.


North! That's the wrong direction. Once you make that turn your whole point of focus changes. Adaptation and experimentation give way to the necessity to reach the end. That goes for your fellow followers too. The challenge of the experience to somewhere or something new always beats the experience and challenge of the return. And there is nothing like that first time.